Makes 2 pounds.
1 2 pound Beef Brisket frozen 14 days and thawed
1/2 cup whey
1 cup filtered water
2 tablespoons sea salt
1 tablespoon mustard seeds
4-5 bay leaves, crumbled
1 tablespoon juniper berries, crushed
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
Mix seasonings and rub into both sides of the brisket. Place in a bowl that just contains it. Mix whey with water and pour over brisket. Cover and marinate at room temperature for about 2 days, turning frequently. Transfer to a refrigerator. The corned bef will keep for about 2 weeks in a refrigerator.
WHEY Recipe
2 quarts yoghurt
Line a large strainer set over a bowl with a clean dish towel. Pour in the yoghurt, cover and let stand at room temperature for several hours. The whey will run into the bowl and the mik solids will stay in the strainer.